A shift in perspective

I gained weight. 2 babies, lifestyle shifts, and a new medication have all done a number to my body - and I'm about 25 pounds heavier than ever before.

For the first time I am getting healthier - because I NEED to.  And suddenly I'm hearing things I never noticed much before!  Words like "consistency", "results", and "gains".

As someone with a history of bulimia and over exercise I need to be gentle with myself.  Here are some of the things I am considering as I tackle weight loss intentionally. 

  1. Not how much I want to lose, but instead, how can I better measure my progress? I used to get on the scale every day. Tracking that number consumed me, and affected my mood for the entire day ahead. Now, I am focused on how I feel, how my clothes fit, and how strong I feel in my workouts.

  2. Progress, not perfection. I haven’t changed everything I eat and do all in one go. I am taking changes on gradually, and noticing when progress has happened. I just chose hummus, crackers and sugar snap peas for a snack instead of a brownie, or chocolate. Progress!

  3. Noticing when unhealthy thought patterns creep in. Just noticing them, helps me to shift them around. “I could be thin by summer!” “Hmm fasting is just like skipping meals right?” or “You could just over eat now before your fast begins cause then you won’t eat for hours.” These thoughts - OUT. Notice them, lovingly show them the door, then listen to my body and do what’s right in this moment. Pass the hummus and crackers, please.

I plan to get my health back on track slowly, gradually, and with inspiration by trying new things (omg I had no idea overnight oats were so good!) I have people to support me and keep me accountable. I have endless resources to keep me educated. And I know that if I need some help along the way, I can call my coach - she too has a story to tell about her relationship to food and body, so I know she can help me when things get mucky.

We all need someone to help us see clearly sometimes. Are you working towards a goal and need that shift in perspective that a coach could offer?

Investing in yourself improves confidence, success, and satisfaction. Life coaching prepares you to tackle life’s challenges with clarity and commitment.

Book a free 30 minute consultation call with me. Who knows - this could be the beginning of something incredible.


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